24-Hour Dispatch

Report Crime, Suspicious Activity, Noise Complaint or Request an Officer.



for more information on our dispatch services. Below you can find information on how we operate as a security company and how we handle our dispatch services. You can also contact us via phone or email to relay a message to our dispatchers.

California Security Agency

About Our Services

California Security provides standing and patrol security services. Most of our clients’ needs for security services are during the night hours and shifts vary depending on the location. Our security officers wear a tan & blue uniform with blue & gold patches identifying them as California Security employees. Our security officers all complete a background check prior to working as a security officer. We provide security services in residential communities, commercial shopping centers, & government facility.

Should I Call CSA Dispatch?


If you have a parking issue, CSA dispatch may be able to help depending on your property. We do not actually have the authority to tow a vehicle but sometimes can provide you with the number for the tow company that is contracted with your property. In a lot of situations callers expect our security officers to fix the situation immediately, please remember we are security & not a tow service.

Noise/ Fighting/ Loud Music

If you witness one of these for more than 15 minutes you should call CSA dispatch so we can document the incident. Be prepared to provide as many details as possible (location, unit #, description of people & clothing, etc.) so we can make sure the information gets to the property manager to be handled accordingly.

Vandalism/ Maintenance

If you have a maintenance emergency, in some cases we may be able to get in contact with the emergency maintenance staff, give us a call if you don’t already have that information. Our security staff document as much information as possible in their reports for the property management to review daily. If you notice something that needs to be address by property maintenance, you can call our dispatch and ask them to log it in the daily report for your property.

About Our Dispatch

We answer dispatch calls 24hr’s per day. Our dispatch center designated dispatchers shfits are from 6pm-6am 7 days per week. This means that any calls outside of those designated dispatch hours are routed to the on-duty supervisor who assumes responsbility for all incoming calls and how they are handled. Here’s the process for a dispatch call to California Security:

1) Dispatch call received by dispatcher/shift supervisor

2) Dispatcher takes caller information and logs info into the computer

3) Dispatcher takes into consideration the current time, resources, and client contracted services and makes a decision on priority level of the call and possible ways to handle the call

4) Dispatcher provides caller with information on the call and how it might be handled

5) Dispatcher relays information appropriately depending on the priority and client service agreement (what CSA is paid to do for the property)

Private Sector Services

The biggest obstacle we face is client/caller perception. Our services are private sector and unlike government dispatch centers for police & fire emergency we aren’t able to take every call and respond to every situation. However, every call is documented and provided to the client for reference.

Depending on the priority level of the call our security officers are not able to simply drop what they are doing to respond to every dispatch call; they do their best to stay in contact with the dispatch center and service the call or contact the caller.

Service Request Form

When you submit this for to us, the information will be forwarded to a CSA Account Manager to review and follow up with you.

You May Also Contact Us Directly

If you wish to contact an Account Manager directly, you can skip this form and contact our office directly at: (916) 978-1755, option 1.

Service Request Form

When you submit this for to us, the information will be forwarded to a CSA Account Manager to review and follow up with you.

You May Also Contact Us Directly

If you wish to contact an Account Manager directly, you can skip this form and contact our office directly at: (916) 978-1755, option 1.

24-Hour Dispatch

Report Crime, Suspicious Activity, Noise Complaint or Request an Officer.



View Our Dispatch Page

for more information on our dispatch services. Below you can find information on how we operate as a security company and how we handle our dispatch services. You can also contact us via phone or email to relay a message to our dispatchers.