Vehicle Patrol
Send us an email with the following information:
Phone number:
Physical Address of Property:
Email address:
How many visits would you like per week:
How many visits would you like per day:
What is the desired duration of each visit:
Armed/ Unarmed Guard
Send us an email with the following information:
Phone number:
Physical Address of Property:
Email address:
How many officers would you like:
What days/ times do you need coverage for:
Would you like armed or unarmed guards?
Send us an email with the following information:
Phone number:
Email address:
How many cameras need to be monitored:
How many hours per day:
How many days per week:
When you email us, the information will be forwarded to a CSA Account Manager to review and follow up with you.
If you wish to contact an Account Manager directly, you can skip this form and contact our office directly at:
(916) 978-1755, option 1.
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